How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Song of Solomen 4:1

To all who mourn, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Isaiah 61:3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Good Life

As you know, I have been participating in the James bible study by Beth Moore at church. 

I am LOVING it!

Each week during our corporate study, we watch a video of Beth Moore teaching on some major points we learned that week during our private study. 

Each week, we are to complete 5 days of intense study.

This study is life changing.

During one of the weeks video lesson, I was challenged to change. (Well, they all challenge me. But this one was very convicting)

James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 

The question she asks at the beginning is:

 What is the good life?

When I think about a good life, I begin to think of a life without lupus. One free of pain, fatigue, uncertainty of the disease and oh so much more. I think of a life of no financial difficulties or burdens. Where things are EASY and I am living with a purpose. 

Here are 4 things that Beth Moore shares about what God's definition of the good life is.

1. One that saves us from ourselves. 

The good life saves me from who? Myself. I am usually the most detrimental person I have to deal with each day. It's not others who get in my head. It's ME. 

I also feel that saving us from ourselves takes the focus off US and puts it on THEM. When I take the focus off me and ask God to send people my way to love on, my life feels so much more worth living. 

Get the focus off me. 

Be ultra aware of the people he brings into our lives and how I can show Christ to them. 

 2. One with a track record of yielding.

Forgivness = Yielding up. 
 Yielding up is saying to someone who has done me wrong, "I commit the betrayal to You (God), the abuse, the hurt so THAT person can go ahead of ME." 

Not so easy. But worth it.  

3. One that is full of mercy.

Sometimes we need to FEEL mercy. And it can hurt. Bad. 
There are times when I don't want to get into a situation because I don't want to feel it. 

Then I must think:
Is it going to kill me?

"Mercy morphs into depression when we take God’s responsibility instead of our possibility"

For some reason, there are moments when I feel I can do things better than God. Or quicker. HA. I am not letting him go ahead of me, but trying to take it all upon myself. How exhausting and depressing. 

4. One that is full of good fruit.

What am I producing? 

"Fruit is both an end and a beginning, the crown of one process and the germ of the next being present in the seed" 
-Dr. James B. Adamson 

During the study I drew this picture to help me understand how the good fruit I choose to produce continues and grows.

Lately, and because of this study, I am really recognizing how it is God who brings different people into our lives. He puts us in the exact families we are in for a purpose. He has us come into contact with people daily. And for what reason? Ultimately, for HIS purpose.

I am choosing today, to pay close attention to those interactions and relationships. Acknowledging my purpose to others.

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