How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Song of Solomen 4:1

To all who mourn, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Isaiah 61:3

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pills, Pills, and More Pills. Part 2

Gotta find it fun somehow! ;)

After receiving my med list from my nephrologist, Jared and I spent the next 3 days trying to create a schedule for my meds(he is so great at stuff like that). It was CRAZY to try and figure it all out! Here is kind of how it went:

Cellcept, that I have to take twice a day, has to be taken on an empty stomach 2 hours after eating and an hour before eating. It cannot be taken within 3 hours of the zantac. Prednisone needs to be taken with a meal and is best to take in the morning. Zantac should be taken with the prednisone first thing in the morning so it will help with the side effects. Lasix, taken twice a day in the beginning, needed to be taken sometime in the morning and afternoon, just at the right time so my swelling wouldn't get out of control, but not at bedtime or I would be peeing ALL night! Bactrim MWF whenever. Tums same. Lisinopril best at night. 

WHEW!! This literally took days to get right! I finally have a pretty good routine! But let me tell you, it sure does stink to have a pill control when you can and can't eat!!

Through this, I have learned just how important it is that when I send patients home with their med list, I need to give them details and make sure they understand things completely!

I'm not blaming anyone, but want to let you know how important it is that we know the details of the medications and treatments we take. No doctor, nurse, or PA told me about side effects, interacting medications with one another, when to take them, when not to take them, etc. I'm glad I wanted to know the details of what I was taking. KNOW WHAT YOU TAKE, HOW TO TAKE IT, PRECAUTIONS and SIDE EFFECTS OF YOUR DRUG! Because, someone may not tell you. 

I had some anxiety (thank you again prednisone)about how the heck I was going to remember taking all these pills! One evening, when I was in denial about my disease, I and wanted to be "normal". My mom, grandma, sis, aunt, cousin and I went out to a movie and dinner. It was a wonderful time! On our way home, my sis INSISTED we go into Walgreens and buy a pill organizer! I don't know what I would do without my nifty organizer divided into AM and PM! Plus, I can remove a day and put it in my purse if I'm going to be out when I need to take it. I really should have got the one for Morning, Day, Afternoon, and Evening because I was taking pills at least 5 different times a day in the beginning. I refused to go that far. The thing was the size of a laptop! Lol.  

My glass cabinet has now been converted to my med cabinet. And this is how I spend my Sunday afternoons; watching the Browns and getting my pill box together for the week! Lol. What an exciting afternoon! ;) The little red thing in each photo is a pill cutter from my grandparents. They had an extra one laying around and I needed one! Hehe. 

As much as I HATE taking pills, I am glad they are working and I know this is just for a time. We are so blessed to have insurance through the hospital! For example, here is the label from one of the meds I take:

That is for a 2 month supply. Is that not crazy?! I told my doctor how much insurance saved me and that I still had to pay close to $300. He was taken aback. Speechless. I asked him what people were supposed to do if they didn't have insurance coverage. He said he didn't know. I said, "well, I wouldn't be taking it!"   

My goal is to get off ALL medications and try to control my lupus as natural as possible. I pray I won't have to go through much trial and error. I try not to think of the long term side effects that some of these medications have. Because quite frankly, they scare me. 

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